Esta visión
Un cúmulo de tiempos
Cita momentos
La sensación y el significado se unen
La mente y el instinto se fusionan

INTRO-VISION is a theatrical piece that immerses the audience in the complexity of visionary knowledge processes amid a fast-paced and demanding world. The plot unfolds across multiple timelines, exploring the intertwined realities of various characters or multiple voices inhabiting different times in history simultaneously. At the core of the narrative, the audience engages with the challenges of understanding the complexity of the human mind, confronting the pressure of the art market, which often favors immediate results and predictable formulas, influencing the creative process. Critique of the art market is manifested through the ethical dilemmas faced by one of the voices, who struggles against the efficiency that often prevails in the creative sphere. The work stands as a reflective critique that questions the priorities and values driving the artistic-cultural landscape of recent years, drawing parallels with the socio-political perspective in Argentina. It manifests as an attempt to reclaim the processes of rediscovering our forgotten roots and essential foundations, revisiting visionary moments, the processes of INSIGHT.

Creación e interpretación: Yasmin Iriel Frione
Asistencia creativa: Maximo Corengia
Asistencia de producción: Candela Pailhe
Asesoría dramatúrgica: Diego Mauriño
Vestuario: Nachi Serrano, Paula Fernández
Música Original: Ezequiel Tarica
Fotografía: Emanuelle Ferreyra
Co-producción: Café Artigas, SYSTEM

Upcoming Events

Performance Intro Visión

Performance Intro Visión

SIC Dance Festival - LECCE, ITALY

Workshop Movimiento 360° + performance Intro Visión

Workshop Movimiento 360° + performance Intro Visión

El Umbral de Primavera, Madrid

Performance Intro Visión

Performance Intro Visión

Je Rêve Festival, LYON, FRANCE

Past Events

Performance Intro Visión

Performance Intro Visión

Cooperativa Café Artigas - Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Performance Intro Visión

Performance Intro Visión

MOVAQ - Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Performance Intro Visión